Thursday, January 28, 2010

Still Here

It was not the most pleasant 36 hours but I am feeling pretty well this morning! Since last night I've been getting lots of fluids to protect my bladder from the Cytoxan, the chemo that I received on Tuesday evening. Until early this morning, I was very nauseous and not able to keep down any water (let alone food); but I'm happy to report that I'm slowly sipping, and enjoying, a frosty cocktail of chocolate Ensure on the rocks. Nothing says "top shelf" more than a white styrofoam cup and bendy straw. All I need now is a pink paper umbrella and call it a day at the beach.

When I'm discharged from the hospital today, I will go to my Dr's office to get a shot of Neulasta, the drug that will promote stem cell growth. Then home to my own bed!

This reminds me to mention something that I get questioned on from time to time. When my parents and I went to MD Anderson in Houston for a second opinion shortly after my diagnosis in April 2009, we assumed at the time that we would return there for the stem cell transplant. This would involve relocating to housing or a hotel near the hospital for about 3 months. After researching, reading, talking with doctors and other transplant patients, I realized that the SCT process is the same no matter where you go. Although there are facilities that perform more SCT's than others (MD Anderson does hundreds annually and Christiana Hospital only does 40), it is the same. So I decided that it was more important to my recovery to be in my home and near family and friends. At this point, I am confident in my decision and look forward to being in my own bed later today.

I am very thankful and grateful and entertained by your comments and well wishes here and on facebook. Thanks for contributing to my recovery!


  1. Susan I am inspired and awed by your positive attitude. This blog is a wonderful idea to keep people up to speed on what is going on with you, connecting you to others without being bombarded with calls about what is going on. I will pray that your positive outlook will continue and be a source of hope and strenghth to you as you go through this journey in your life. I hope to visit someday soon (when you are up to it) and catch up on the many years that we have lost touch. May God Bless, Cindy

  2. Susan,
    You are such an amazing woman. I am humbled by your grace. Thank you so much for allowing us all to share in your journey. Please know you have many people sending positive thoughts your way.
    Melissa B

  3. Hi Susan , Wow, Ensure! It IS a party...So happy you will be safe and warm in your own bed just in time for all this wild cold weather to hit. You deserve to be warm, snuggled under and as spoiled as only Dave and your folks can do. Never second guess your decision to stay close by as I am constantly amazed by the national recognition and praise that I regularly see directed toward CCHS;
    the Cancer and Heart programs specifically. You are in good hands. At home AND in the hospital. Stay warm, Jeanie

  4. Good luck, Susan! I write daily at if you feel up to doing some reading. I will follow your progress. Please post often if you can- Pat
