Friday, February 12, 2010

A Comment on Comments

A few people have mentioned that they are having problems leaving comments on this blog. At the risk of insulting anyone's intelligence, I thought I would walk you through it. I set this up so that you don't need a Blogger account, because who needs yet another user name and password to keep track of?!

  • Under the post, click on "O Comments" "1 Comments" "2 Comments" etc.
  • Scroll down until you see the "Post a Comment" box
  • Type your comment in the box
  • At the "Select Profile" drop down, choose "Name/URL"
  • Window will pop up; enter your Name and leave URL blank
  • Click on "Post Comment"
  • You will be asked for a word verification
  • Click on "Post Comment"

I hope this is useful, and if you haven't left a comment yet, please do...I would love to know who is tuning it. That way, I know who to include on our Christmas card list this year. :)

This week brought the dreaded loss of my curly locks. I started losing my hair by the handfuls on Wednesday and it hasn't taken a break since. I'm certainly not happy about it, but have had sufficient warning and I got to enjoy my hair for two full weeks after the Cytoxan. Tomorrow, I'm going the the salon for a new 'do. Stay tuned!

On Monday, I will be admitted to the Bone Marrow Unit at Christiana Hospital. I will be there at least three days...two days of Melphalan and the third day for the actual transplant when I will receive my stem cells back. Dave and I are preparing ourselves for a real battle this time. In the Dr's own words, the Cytoxan was a "trial run."

As always, thanks for all the support, prayers and well wishes. They are VERY appreciated!


  1. Hi Suz,
    I have been tuning in everyday. I always need the 411 on everything, you know me! You are such an inspiration and your blogging is so positive! I am sad to hear about your Curlie Girl status but I know it won't be long until you are Curlie Girl again! Thoughts and prayers are with you on the next leg of this race. Love you, Donnie

  2. Hi Susan,
    Can't wait to hear about the new do. We are all here with you in our hearts, thoughts and prayers pushing you along the steep part of this race and looking forward to the top of the mountain and then the beginning of the downhill part when the finish line will be in sight. Love you, Wendy

  3. Hi, Susan
    We're so glad to hear about your amazing progress and your positive attitude. Everything so far seems to have gone even better than hoped. We think of you often and speak with your parents often also to hear the latest. Keep on blogging - when you feel like it.
    Jana and Farogh

  4. Hey Susan,

    I am happy to see you doing well through this difficult process. Those Locks you loose will be back! Thinking of you every day and know this next step is a difficult one. Keep the blog coming when you are up to it.

    Keep on Fighting! Stay Strong! My thoughts and prayers are always with you!


  5. I think of you and Dave often thru-out the days....I pray that this next step is as easy for you as can be expected....
